VoIP Server
In order to
create a communication network among the staff for facilitate the way of
communicate with one another, OfficeSip Server has been established.
server is an open source application enables users to communicate via session initiation
protocol (SIP), which is used for controlling multimedia communication session
such as video and voice calls over internet protocol (IP).
1. 1.Implementation
Download officesip Server
run the service of OfficeSip from the local services
1.3 Make sure the firewall is not blocking the inbound connection to
the server by opening ports 5060 Tcp and 5060 Udp
Go TO windows firewall with advanced security
rules, add new rules, select ether programme then choice OfficeSip Or choice
port then select tcp and udp 5060.
1.4 open OfficeSip server go to csv File to add users click on
Username,222( the user name has to be in Number only)
User Display name, Test “Any name”
Email “any email”
Password, 222 “set any password”
1. 2.On the client Side “Mobiles”
need to configure the SIP :
2.1 Download the SIP client
“Sipdroid” to the Mobile
set the configuration
Username, 111
Password, 111
Server, which
is my laptop IP
Domain, leave it empty
Port, 5060
Protocol, UDP
2.3 If the inserted
configuration on the client side is correct, the user name in the Server side will change to the
green colour.